Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Manna from Heaven

First of all, please let me offer my apology for not posting anything Monday or Tuesday morning. We are having computer problems at my house! We are desperately in need of a new computer because the one I am on right now has less memory than my cell phone!! We were trying to get our laptop fixed, but it looks like that is not possible. So please forgive me! With that said...

Exodus 16:11-21

I am sure you all know the story about God providing for the children of Isreal through quail and manna. But, what exactly is manna? The very word itself comes from the Hebrew "man hu" which literally means "what is it?" because the Hebrew's did not know what it was. God explained to them through Moses that the manna was their daily provision of food from the LORD. This was truly miraculous and although scholars have tried to explain it away, there is no other explanation than a true miracle.

In looking closely at this story, I believe that God can use manna to teach us about Himself and about His word. Some characteristics of manna are: 1. Manna was a supernatural gift. 2. Manna had to be gathered by each person/family. 3. Manna had to be gathered daily. 4. The manna had to be eaten daily.

In looking closely at these characteristics, I believe that we can draw spiritual symbolism between manna and the Bible. 1.The Bible is truly a supernatural gift. There is no possible way that one book could have been written over hundreds of years with over 40 different authors and still have one theme and one purpose - redemption. It is truly God's words and not man's. 2. We each have to "gather" the Word for ourselves. We have to choose to read His Word. God could have miraculously put the manna in the Isrealites tents or even in their mouths, but He did not. He expected them to go and get it. He expects the same from us today. 3. We have to be in His Word daily. God has something for each of us in His Word everyday. This one is a hard one, but if we do not take in His Word daily we will be spiritually hungry, just like we are physically hungry when we do not take in food. 4. We have to use what we learn. The Israelites had to eat what they gathered or it would spoil. We also have to do something with what God teaches us through His Word. We must obey and apply what we learn to our lives, otherwise it is just sitting inside of us and will eventually spoil.

God's Word is truly manna from heaven. Let's gather His Words today, take them in, and allow the Holy Spirit to use them in our lives to feed our very souls.

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