Tuesday, March 10, 2009

At the Threshold of the Promised Land - Part 2

Numbers 13:26-33

This passage starts out so encouraging! Can't you just hear the people saying "Ohh" and "Ahh" as the spies give their report! Unfortunately, one little word changes everything. "But". The spies begin to tell the people why they can never take possession of the land. But this, and but that! Then Caleb steps up and becomes the voice of faith in a God that had seen them through and proven Himself faithful.

Caleb says "we can certainly do it", but the other 10 basically say, "no we can't!". They compare themselves to grasshoppers! However, with God, grasshoppers can overcome giants! Let me give you an example...

George Mueller, an ordinary man that lived in the 1800s, felt God calling him to care for orphans in Bristol, England. He did not have the means to do this on his own, yet he trusted God and made a covenant with God that he would never ask anyone for financial assistance. He would only ask God for the provisions needed to care for orphaned children and himself. God proved Himself faithful as George Mueller provided for over 10,000 children during the course of his ministry! George Mueller was just a grasshopper, but he overcame a giant by trusting in a giant God!

What giant in your life is holding you back from entering the promised land? God does great things with grasshoppers who trust Him. How will you trust Him today?

By the way, if you have an extra minute, click on George Mueller and read his story. It is quite amazing!

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